Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

The Process of Decision Making on SMAK Kesuma Mataram

The Process of Decision Making on SMAK Kesuma Mataram


            Abstract: The purpose of this analysis is to identify and analyze empirically in the Process of Decision Making of Head Master on SMAK Kesuma Mataram.  In details, the purpose of this analysis to identify about; (1) The Models of decision, (2) The Criterias of excellent decisions of head master,(3) The Considereble factors of head master (4) The parcipations of partisipant school, (5) The constellating role of foundation and school committee, (6) The constraints of decisions making of head master on SMAK Kesuma Mataram.

            This analysis used qualitative descriptions approach.  It is used to research the Process of decision making of head master on SMAK Kesuma Mataram.  There were 8 persons as informans of this analysis according of purposive sampling principle which its purpose to make the data become suitable.  The tecniques of collecting data are (1) Observations method, (2)Documentations method and (3) Interview method.

The analysis data ware taken sach as reduction, data display, and data verification. There are four criterias in checking the correctness of data, credibility, dependibility, conformability, and transfermability.

            The result of this analysis indicated that (1) There are Mix models of proces decesions making Of Head Master on SMAK Kesuma.  There ware  normative model, information model, Lake model and Simon model. (2) Reprecentative decesions of head master was based on datas and informations, participative, transparanties and accountable, (3)The considereble factors of head master are internal organizations factor, external organizational factor, data and informations, axperience and ability of head master, (4)Head master have aplied  partisipation concept of  staff of head master, staff of administrations, teachers, student and school commitee. (5)the constellating role of foundations is a consultative institute, and school committee is a partnership of head master. (6) The constraints ware found in research are individual behavioral in organization, contradiction of concept and thought, and misapprehension of conditions

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